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Learning in Harmony Trust

Become a School Governor

Become a School Governor

Join one of our Local Governing Bodies and make a difference in your community

Are you keen to use your skills, give back and make a difference to the lives of children and young people in your community?  Then why not consider joining one of our local governing bodies.

We are looking to recruit volunteers to join our schools’ governing bodies in Southend, Newham and Islington to provide their skills, experience and knowledge to help shape the future of our schools and the outcomes of the 5,000 pupils across the trust.  More details on our schools can be found here.  

It is not necessary for governors to have experience in the education sector; a broad range of skills and professional backgrounds is desirable in a governing body.  It’s your ability to get involved that really counts.   

Being a governor is rewarding, adds value to the school and local community and is a respected volunteer post.  As well as using your own skills and knowledge, the role provides opportunities for your personal and professional development.  Let’s make a difference, together.  

To register your interest, please email: and we’ll be in touch. Please note that an enhanced DBS check is built into the onboarding process and is a prerequisite for the role.   

We look forward to hearing from you - the Learning in Harmony Trust Team.

 Further Information about School Governance

National Governance Association (NGA) -